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Teaching beginners fluid tennis mechanics
Introducing a healthy balanced nutritious diet
Designing fun and rewarding team competition through Universal Tennis Team Tennis and Matchplay
Investing in our talented athletes to help them compete nationally and internationally
Crating a team of coaches to help them with all aspects of development
Technical coach​
Hitting coach
Fitness coach
Mental training coach
Tournament travel coach
Level 1 GPCTA mentor

Designed for athletes that are ready to compete in college and have aspiration to turn pro. We lose 62% of our scholarship to foreign players every year due to the lack of high quality coaching and poor mentorship. Our local talent end up quitting tennis or joining colleges primarily for education and give up on playing tennis in college.
Most of our talented college athletes are not able to travel and compete nationally and internationally due to the expense of travel and high quality coaching. The foundation will allocate funds to help them with all aspects of development, travel expenses, and mentorship.
Let’s develop athletes and take back the 62% of scholarships that we are losing to foreigners. With your support we can make the talented athletes dream of playing in a grand slam a reality.
Low income families with kids that have the desire to learn tennis.

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